How To Sleep Like A Baby

Sleep often becomes elusive as we grow older. Here are some good sleep habits and expert advice.

Getting enough quality sleep is essential for people of all ages to maintain a healthy and fulfilling life. As we age, it becomes even more crucial to overcome the challenges that can disrupt our sleep. Thomas Dekker famously stated that sleep is the "golden chain" that connects our health and bodies, which rings especially true as we get older. According to Dr. Pankaj Jain, a critical care pulmonologist at Jehangir Multispecialty Hospital in Pune, sleep is an active break that helps restore our energy. To function at our best, it's important to get at least six hours of uninterrupted sleep.

Here are some suggestions for ensuring sound sleep:

<b>Establish a sleep environment conducive to rest. Eliminate all disturbances in the bedroom</b>
Establish a sleep environment conducive to rest. Eliminate all disturbances in the bedroom

Sleep disorders that lead to poor sleep:

Insomnia – is a condition defined by the presence of an individual's report of difficulty with sleep, according to the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. People with insomnia face recurring trouble with falling or staying asleep.

Sleep Apnea - characterized by irregular breathing patterns during sleep. It happens when you stop breathing while sleeping. This occurs due to a blockage of your airway (obstructive sleep apnea) or because your brain does not appropriately manage your breathing (central apnea).

Circadian rhythm sleep disorder (CRSD)- Circadian rhythm refers to the body’s biological clock. The rhythms set in the hypothalamus region of the brain are 24-hour cycles which run in the background to carry out important functions. Also known as sleep-wake cycle disorders, CRSDs occur when your circadian rhythm is out of sync with your environment.

Restless legs syndrome - Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a sleep disorder that produces a strong impulse to move the legs, usually in response to an unpleasant sensation. It usually occurs in the evenings or at night.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia: This is a health condition in older men characterized by the enlargement of the prostate gland. ‘Benign prostatic hyperplasia affects about 50 per cent of men between the ages of 51 and 60 and up to 90 per cent of men older than 80’, according to Medscape.

<b>Medication: Certain medications such as diuretics prescribed for diabetes and hypertension may disturb sleep, however, this is not always the case. </b>
Medication: Certain medications such as diuretics prescribed for diabetes and hypertension may disturb sleep, however, this is not always the case. 

Psychiatric disorders: Psychiatric disorders can also be the reason. In a research study conducted by the SMS College Jaipur, it was found that ‘there was a significant association of depression with the increasing age of geriatric persons. The age group of 80 years and above was found to be more under depression (69.6%) than other age groups.’  

The most common comorbidities associated with insomnia are also psychiatric disorders. 

Physical pain: Physical pain from any source of the body. It can include ailments such as arthritis, joint pain, knee pain etc. 

Do away with worries to catch your Zzz’s

Sleep and stress work hand in glove. While inadequate sleep can make stress levels worse, stress can also have a detrimental impact on the length and quality of sleep.

An increase in stress leads to fragmented sleep and prolongs the time it takes to fall asleep. 

Here are some techniques that help in relaxation of the mind and body:

  1. Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) - It involves gradually tensing and then relaxing all the muscles in your body. Deep, steady breaths are taken throughout the workout. 
  2. Breathing exercises – The following may work well:

Box breathing – also known as square breathing, Inhale to the count of four, and hold air in the lungs for four counts before slowly exhaling at the same count. Repeat the procedure until you feel grounded.

Colour breathing – Based on the principles of visualisation and colour theory, envisioning a colour during breathing can help you let go of stressors and represent how you want to feel.

Balloon breathing – Be seated in a comfortable position. When you inhale, imagine your belly as a balloon inflating with air. Slowly exhale, and imagine the balloon deflating. 

3. Speaking out loud – An unwanted spiral of thoughts can be banished by voicing them out aloud. 

4. Scheduling worry time– Dedicating a separate slot in the day for worrying helps with boosting concentration on other tasks for the day. 

5. STOP Technique – A mindfulness technique for centring oneself, the acronym stands for

S – Stop

T – Take a breath

O – Observe (Bodily sensations, surroundings)

P – Proceed

It can be accompanied by chanting or reading positive affirmations.

6. Keep a diary – Journaling is one of the most efficient coping strategies to release negative thoughts. Daily stressors hampering one’s sleep can be recorded in a sleep diary.

Try these strategies to achieve a restful and rejuvenating night of sleep!

Do you face sleepless nights too? Tell us your tips and tricks here.

About the author

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neha kamalapur

Neha Kamalapur Is An Undergraduate Student Residing In Bangalore. She Likes Reading About The Human Condition, Astronomy, Poetry And Music.

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13 Jan, 2024

If one has to have a calm and peaceful sleep at night, one should be free of worries and tension before you enter your bedroom. Nothing in the world is going to change by worrying...take things in your stride...haveca light dinner by 6pm, at least 2hrs. before bed time. Always look at the brighter side of life...there's so much to be done and unless you are happy within ,you are missing out the wonderful creations of God. Nothing is in your control, be happymentally and emotionally...Do your BEST during your short journey thru this world and enjoy God's creations. Any untoward happenings will pass away...breathe the fresh air around you, enjoy nature and when it's time for you to leave this world , thank God for everything He has done for you and given you. Be truthful and enjoy every moment of your life with those around you....what doesvit matter whether one is young or old, the world is before you...look at the Brighter side of life and be thankful for every breath of life. This my friend is my view of a happy contended life on this earth.

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